It's funny. I made it through all three trimesters of my pregnancy without a maternity support girdle. I just didn't know about them, actually! My back ached, sure, but it wasn't chief on my mind. I was about to have my first child, and this fact was rocking my world enough that the rest of it all just seemed part and parcel. You should have seen the arrangement of pillows I slept on to be remotely comfortable. I had it down to a science.
Then my son was born. And after the glow of giving birth, finally getting to meet him, my back started to hurt all the time. All the time. I couldn't pick him up without wincing. I was so nervous it was something quite serious that would require surgery. Pinched nerve? I talked to my doctor, and was so relieved when he recommended I try a "Back to Normal" maternity support girdle.
Yes, I thought I was done with maternity clothes, and was so excited to get back into regular clothes again. Ask my husband: my mantra was "waistlines and wedges" for the fall. But this "Back to Normal" maternity support girdle made my life a million times better than a new pair of wedge heels. As in, I was actually comfortable, holding my little baby. I like to think of it as a transitional garment, doing real work helping my tissues heal.
Wedge heels this winter, maybe. But the support I need for as long as it takes.
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